International investors are at the very core of the Sarawak Gas Roadmap, and our government is fully committed to support your company’s expansion into Asia.

Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of MINTRED*

YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan

*MINTRED = Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Industrial Terminal & Entrepreneur Development

Sarawak, strategically positioned at the heart of Asia Pacific

Gas resources

$35 Bil

GDP, representing 10% of Malaysia's GDP

$4 Bil

FDIs in 2020, contributing to 25% of Malaysia's FDI

2.8 Mil

Population of Sarawak


CAGR for FDIs between 2011 and 2020, outpacing ASEAN 5% CAGR

1.3 Mil

Workforce, where 20% are skilled and 70% are semi-skilled


Total manufacturing FDIs for Malaysia in 2020



of power generated through renewable hydropower, with a total capacity of ~5GW


tonnes of biomass incl. 9.3MT of Fresh fruit branches


Land mass covered by forests, leading to rich biodiversity


Protected areas incl. UNESCO World heritage listed national parks and major nature reserves


in SEA top pilot green hydrogen production and usage in public transportation


Malaysian state to join the Global Destination Sustainability Index

43 Tscf

of natural gas reserves, equivalent to ~50% of Malaysia, and ~10% that of APAC

4.5 Bscf/d

of natural gas production mainly at Bintulu, Sarawak

0.3 Bscf/d

currently used domestically across power generation, petrochemical, and industrial sectors

>1 Bscf/d

Of natural gas expected to be made available at competitive prices


Major Investors In Sarawak Today

Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis

Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis

ASEAN Bintulu Fertilizer

ASEAN Bintulu Fertilizer

Sarawak PetChem Methanol Project

Sarawak PetChem Methanol Project

Elkem Sarawak

Elkem Sarawak

Iwatani-SIG Industrial Gases

Iwatani-SIG Industrial Gases

LONGi Solar

LONGi Solar

OCI Sarawak

OCI Sarawak

Sakura Ferroalloys

Sakura Ferroalloys

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